What We Do

21 brands. 3233 products. One supplier

Celtine Beauty supplies premium professional skincare, wax, nail, hair, makeup & tanning brands to the beauty industry.

Account Management

No order taking policy. Our Account Managers strive to add value to your business by providing strategic planning, customer satisfaction, product management and opportunity development.

Customer Services

Celtine Beauty is the ONLY company in the beauty industry that have invested in qualified beauticians ready to take your call 0800 88 34 34 (NZ) Monday to Friday

Professional Education

Beauty industry training exclusively researched and developed by Celtine Limited. Courses include professional development and postgraduate education utilising our in house Celtine Beauty Training Academy facilities

Our Stats

  • 3233 Products
    And Growing
  • 219 Account Management
    Monthly Visits
  • 120 Professional Education
    Conducted Annually
  • 389 Customer Services
    Calls Answered Weekly

Brand Partners

Scientific Organics
PONi Cosmetics
Crown Brush

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I met PJ Michel along with her twin sister while holding a consultation day in Christchurch a short time ago.  Both suffered with psoriasis and this presented in the same places on their scalp and bodies

Like most of my psoriasis clients they were incredibly hopeful but extremely sceptical.  I am always honest with my clients and explained not only how Mediceuticals works on the skin but also reiterated that there is no cure for psoriasis, however there is a high level of control and comfort that can be achieved by using Mediceuticals correctly. 

Both complained that the itchiness was driving them mad and told me how it interrupts their life, for example while doing needlework to relax, they are scratching so often, they end up putting their sewing aside and missing out on what they enjoy.  

When I told them about one of our products that will stop the itching immediately, they both looked at me as if I had told the biggest lie in the world!
On this day, Pj and her sister found that their hope for a solution outweighed their scepticism and they decided to try Mediceuticals.
On a personal note.  I work with Mediceuticals as I am deeply passionate about helping people to achieve a better quality of life by removing the annoyances that end up taking over and controlling them. 
Constant itching, painful red angry scalps, flaking skin and hairloss are just some of the frustrations I am able to help with.  
Below is a letter I received from PJ which she has asked me to share in the hope that others will use Mediceuticals so they can get on and live the life they want.
Karen Dawson, Celtine Beauty
Wow! Is the word in relation to the Medi Products?
I have just started using the products and can report that it was like flicking a switch no more scratching.
The products did exactly what Karen indicated they would, like the conditioner having the feeling of peppermint heat in your mouth when you breathe in. 
Karen also challenged me to spray before scratching and you know she was absolutely correct, relief was instant mind you though I sometimes fine my hands in my hair but this is more habit than itching.
I can also report that my sleeping is sooooo much better and I reckon this is also due to not having the continual irritation.
If you are reading this and have any doubts – please know this is not a load of shight this product really truly works – the price may seem like a large commitment and it is to some degree however you have probably spent a lot more looking for a cure, this product really works and it also comes with a pump so you are not spilling product into your hand willie nillie, this will give you more value out of the bottle.
PJ Michel, Christchurch New Zealand